After years of making ladies feel beautiful in our chairs, our Tease To Please Pro team is excited to bring next-level bridal education to the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.

We love our beauty industry - if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be here! In fact, we love this industry so much that we want to be a part of its growth and betterment.

We hear it all the time from fellow vendors and service providers: “Wow, you’re so good, I never learned that in school! You should teach!” We have finally listened, and we’re excited to use our gifts and love for teaching to grow not only our current team, but other artists as well. The DFW market is chock-full of beauty professionals who are hungry to learn, to continue their education. However, there are very few opportunities and spaces for us to go to learn! TTP Pro is here to serve you, whether you are far along in your styling/artistry journey, or just getting started.

Come learn with us and make yourself proud!


    “The classes were so great!! Learned so many quick and easy tricks to help me take my work to the next level. I definitely would recommend these classes to everyone.”


    “I enjoyed Breanna’s class! I liked that she had a clear outline and walked us step by step for each style and broke down the products as well. I learned a lot about why we use certain products and the detailed attention to where to position our combs helped tweak the big things to make a difference in hair styles I create now. I’m very visual and work best with outlines when it comes to learning, so I felt she carried that out well.”


    “Honestly, I love Laci’s teaching style. If everyone could be as detailed and so hands on like Laci I feel like we could seriously dominate.”


    “In Kayla’s class I loved that she taught us her signature bun, it is beautiful. In Breanna’s class every little touch to her hollywood waves has helped me so much on my hollywood wave girls. In Laci’s ethnicity class I learned that you can embrace the natural curl and it looks beautiful. “

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